March 22, 2024

Becoming (A Tribute to Mothers)

Every time I watch the sunset
I remember her
A beautiful display of colours
Captured in one single moment
When your eyes behold something like that
Something of worth
You can’t help but be in awe

She is just that
My sunset
A moment in time captured in a woman
Phenomenal woman
Transcending mere mortality
She’s the gift that God gave to me
The epitome of integrity
It is because of her I know who God is
She prays for me
Constantly and consistently
Encouragement rolls off her tongue like a symphony
She reminds me, “My child, you are more than what society wants you to be.”

She is more than inspirational
I stand in amazement
Watching her work and build a home
Tirelessly giving of herself until the sun goes to sleep
I’ve watched her wear her battle scars
And transformed them into motivation
She doesn’t only have sheer intelligence
But wisdom and discernment
I could never hide how I feel or when something is wrong
There are times when I thought I lost my love for her
Only because discipline was strong
I’ve learnt to appreciate them now though
Her words and actions have only made me better

She is a woman of excellence
Her character far exceeds her beauty
Her soul is drenched in being a protector for her family
And I am blessed to have my life
I only hope I will become half the woman she is
Filled with so much ability
Truth is, the half has not been told
Her heart of flesh is worth more than a heart of gold
A rock
And in her weakness she is precious
Teaching me that grace is extended to the strong ones too

Words are limited to paint the picture
I wish I could frame her radiant beauty
But it is engraved on my heart
I’ll behold my sunset
Treasure her and moments with her
My mother
Forever beautiful
I’m grateful she is the one given to me
Leading me
Watching me grow

Photo by Anna Might Take Pics