

My friends call me “Anna Might”. I’m a believer in Jesus Christ, a daughter, a sister, and an aunt. I am also a creative, sports junkie and music enthusiast. That would explain why this website is up. Some of what I write and other creative endeavours will be here on annamight.com.

Why this website?
There is a lot of hopelessness in the world. I see it every day. I deem an opportunity to present folks from all walks of life with an alternative. I don’t have all the answers, but I do know that we all need to be encouraged along life’s journey. We all need light and love to make it through each moment. I hope this website brings just that.

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” – Galatians 6:2 (NIV)

Photo by Ajala Kings (IG: @ajalakings)