May 31, 2024

Thirty One Five: 2024 Edition

As usual, I write raps for my #ThirtyOneFive. Feel free to download it. Please see the lyrics below

Hear ye, listen up
Lend your ear to me
It’s time to cut the cake and throw the confetti
Filled with wonder 
Overjoyed like I’m Stevie
Thirty One Five
Inject that in my IV
I’ll be giving thanks
No pomp or circumstance
Do the dance
And make some memories
New age
I turn the page
Oh look, an open book
Crux of the story
God’s been good to me

He’s got a master plan, no Ed, Edd and Eddie
Could be confused like Pepper-Ann, He keeps me steady
In my right mind, no Patsy Cline
I’m not crazy
He’s always got my back
No ifs, buts, or maybes
They tried to bury me
But, I’m standing on authority
I still do the boogie 
The grave’s got no hold on me
Float like a butterfly
Sting like a bee
Boxing till my final bout
I’ve got the victory
Through Christ

My boast is only in Him
He’s the only one who bore my pain and saved me from my sin
He’s the only one who took my shame
When I deserved the blame
He did a weird mani-pedi
When they drove those nails in Him
(So weird)

He made my life just like a symphony 
So, let the orchestra play well in harmony
Every discord serves a purpose
He’s gracious 
I’m cool
‘Cause Yahweh is conducting me
So, bring the heat like my name is Jimmy
Like the Hebrew Boys, I know He’s standing with me
It’s grace over grind
It’s God over money
And I’ll surrender my life for all He’s done for me

Shout out to my family and day-ones
Thanks for holding it down
Helped a queen fix her crown
You’re the reason I still value community 
Such a priceless love
Fits like a glove

Yes, I’m blessed, I’m not lucky
No clover on my chest like 33
I’ll fly like a bird though
Soar high
Excel, bro
Sleep on the dream, no
On beds, I spread sheets
God’s Word is my bond
Just ask James
Today I’ll celebrate
I guess I’ll die another day
‘Til that time, it’s Soli Deo Gloria
Watch what I do and say
God deserves my praise

Photo by Sajato Powell