June 16, 2023

The Unshakeable Joyride: Embracing Psalm 46’s Wisdom

It’s obvious that we live in a very troubled society. The past few years have been sending us into a tailspin, causing us to possibly question our existence, our faith, and even God Himself. One night when reflecting on all the madness we face each day, I remembered a Scripture I learnt as a child in Sunday School – Psalm 46.

Indeed, it is a popular Scripture that focuses on the presence of God being a place of security. It gives hope and assurance, and a reminder that God is larger than what life hands us. It teaches us how to handle what’s happening around us. It reminds us that we need to really cling to God and know who He is. It may sound like a scratched record during this time, but this is true. It is our view of God that shapes how we praise Him. We know God as King, Lord, Friend, and more. He is many things, but in our current context and in the context of verse one of the passage, we are reminded of three aspects of His character.

God is our safe haven. 

This means that He is our refuge. God remains the place we run to when we do not feel secure. Scholars say that sons of Korah were piggybacking on Israeli culture, cities of refuge were set up for fugitives who needed sanctuary. They would run to these areas and receive relief from any crisis they encountered. We can also note that Israel was very versed and aware of the art of war. They knew about battle strategies that could make their armies virtually impenetrable. However, their safety was not found in their own armies or fortresses, but in the God of angel armies. The writers didn’t boast about themselves. Rather, they delighted themselves in pointing to God’s security. Though our God is not necessarily a physical space we can run to, He is still here for us with wide open arms when trouble strikes.

God is our strength.

It is safe to say that the sons of Korah felt weary and frail when attacks came their way. God was strong for them. He acted on their behalf. He was also strong in them. He would have supplied the grace and any other need they had to overcome the trials faced. He gave them the tools and the will to endure. This is the same with us. No matter what, God will always be our defense, and the one who lifts us up in our weakness. 

God is our Saviour.

He is definitely a very present help in times of trouble. When trouble or catastrophe was in great abundance, God was there. That’s the same for us. He runs to rescue and comfort those in distress. This was not a one off-experience as Scripture is littered with this concept of God being present. He has been tried, tested and proven. He remains present for us, even more present than the problems themselves. Deliverance awaits God’s people and He is ready, able and willing to effect that change in the believer’s life.

After acknowledging and clinging to who God is, we should respond with confidence in what He is able to do. In fact, this is what the Psalmists did as highlighted in verse two of Psalm 46. They weren’t exempt from the realities. Rather, they chose to see God’s hand amid every bit of negativity. This is seen with the use of the word “therefore”. Here we see the poets using logic to inform their faith. They seemed to imply that with the understanding of God as a safe haven, strength, and Saviour, even if everything were to turn upside down, they would remain unwavering.  There was no logical reason to be afraid of what they might encounter. In fact, they were displaying unswerving confidence in God by recognizing He is larger than problems. 

Like the writers, if we say we believe, our faith in God in times of despair has to be louder than the despair itself. Our response to our negative issues must be rooted in the assurance that our God is larger than life. There is nobody and nothing like our God. There is nothing or no one that can overshadow His goodness, grace, and power. We just need to acknowledge it and believe He will come through. After all, who else can we turn to? The same God who has been present for the sons of Korah is still here with us, offering aid because He knows we need it. Humans and systems are limited. However, we have an all-knowing, all-powerful God who has redeemed His people for all eternity. We can trust Him for the temporal. Let us look to Him.

Photo by Anna Might (IG:@annamighttakepics)