June 23, 2023

The Search for a Pure Heart

I’d like to believe that most of the people in society want a pure heart. After all, our hearts are the core of who we are. They define our character and reflect our deepest desires, fears, and motivations. However, our hearts can become corrupted by sin, pride, and selfishness. Such an unfortunate truth. It is because of this we need “spiritual heart surgery” to remove the impurities and restore our hearts to their purest state.

What is this spiritual heart surgery, you may ask?

In the medical field, heart surgeries are done to correct problems one may have with his/her heart. In many cases, doctors may not require you to go under the knife to fix the issues and improve the patient’s quality of life. Similarly, spiritual heart surgeries are needed to repair what’s damaged our lives. They promote our growth and healing in God. They help us to rely on the Lord and not get complacent in the faith. It is important to note that the heart referred to here is not the human organ that pumps blood around the body. Rather it is the Hebrew word that refers to the mind. The Israelites at that time did not have a word for the brain so, they thought of the heart as a place where people think, feel, and make decisions; it is the centre of the spiritual man. Broken humans, with the best of intentions, cannot fix themselves. There are some shortcomings that we are unable to see in ourselves. This is why we all need something, rather, Someone greater than us. Psalm 139:23-24 points to this. David searched for a pure heart and consequently, his acts show us how to do the same. Here’s how he did it:

The Examination
David began by asking God to search his heart and know his thoughts. He was not afraid to expose his innermost being to the Creator of the universe. He knew that only God could reveal the hidden areas of his heart that needed to be cleaned. David used the word “search” to describe God’s examination of his heart, which implied a thorough and detailed investigation. Global forensic teams could not attempt to do this kind of job. He wanted God to reveal any offensive ways in him, which could be translated as wicked ways or paths that lead away from God’s will. David asked for a complete diagnosis of his heart condition, not just a surface-level analysis. He understood that he needed God’s help to identify the areas of his heart that needed healing.

The Operation
Once God identified the areas of David’s heart that needed cleansing, David asked Him to operate. He wanted God to remove anything offensive or harmful and lead him in the way everlasting. David was willing to undergo the surgery, even if it meant enduring pain and discomfort. He trusted God’s ability to heal and restore his heart to its purest state. David understood that the operation was not a one-time event but a continual process of surrendering his heart to God’s care. He recognized that he could not purify his own heart and needed God’s help to do so.

The Transformation
David knew that a pure heart was not just about behavior modification, but about a regenerative heart change. He wanted God to transform him from the inside out. David was not content with just removing the impurities. In fact, he wanted God to create in him a new heart. He wanted to be led in the way everlasting. This implies journeying down a path of righteousness and holiness. David desired to be transformed into a person who loved God with all his heart, soul, and mind and loved his neighbor as himself. He wanted his heart to reflect the character of God and be a testimony to the world around him.

Here’s the kicker. In the pursuit of a pure heart, like David, we have to lend ourselves to the process, even if it becomes painful. Confronting our own exposed sins and weaknesses is not easy, but it is significant for our growth as Christians. It’s always best to wrestle with God on whatever the issues are rather than to remain apathetic and do nothing about them. We must intentionally ask God to conduct His surgery as He sees fit. We cannot make bones about it. We have to humbly rely on God to work on us in ways we cannot do for ourselves. The aim is always to be better, not bitter.

Our loving Father does not hold our flaws against us. Instead, with wide open arms, He invites us to come to Him. He calls us to be vulnerable and honest with Him. He calls us to come as we are though broken we are. He calls us to freedom. Reader, will you answer? He wants us to trade our pain for a quality life – one filled with joy. At the end of this spiritual heart surgery, we can be sure that our pure hearts will reflect the His glory. We will serve as a witness to the world that a righteous life can be lived amid dysfunction.

Photo by Anna Might (IG:@annamighttakepics)