April 16, 2022

Crime Stop (Close)

Are you insane?
Selling yourself short for money
How little must your brain be?
Tell me
When you shed the blood of the innocent
Where does your conscience go?
Please tell me
I need to know

Sin’s stains scar society because of you
You with ignorance etched in your brains
Fatherless kids hold firm their grandparents
Tugging at their garments
Searching for answers Google cannot give
You’ve robbed them of a glimmer of serenity
Flushing their dreams down the toilet
All in the name of money

Why can’t you just try to love?
The hypocrisy of your acts never ceases to amaze me
You hunters see humans as flesh
Hurting the souls of families and friends
Including me
I watched you murder my neighbours
Blessed days seem so dark now
As I see the flags of sorrow floating through the air

When will it end?
A part of me wishes that the faces of those you murder
Plague you while you sleep
And each time you hunger
You’ll remember those you killed
How you have stolen many breadwinners from their homes
You continue to contribute to poverty
Scum of the earth
Another part wants to pray
That God will strike you down like Saul
And convert your hearts like US currency

These incidents happen too frequently
Read this and weep
Play no more with the lives of other
For you shall not prosper
The Word says it
Stop, crime. Stop!
Close this chapter of your lives
End now or suffer your doom

Photo by Anna Might (IG:@annamighttakepics)